Tag Archives: fudge

Cappuccino Fudge Cheesecake.

Yeah. Those three words. All in one sentence. Not a joke. This was, hands down, the best cheesecake I’ve ever had. And that’s saying something because I am somewhat of a cheesecake freak and I have eaten a dang lot of cheesecake in my life. But this one. Oh boy. It’s something else.

It’s a cookie crust that is so much better than a cookie crust. Because it has extra chocolate and sugar and nutmeg and butter and it’s heavenly. And then its basically fudge. Well, it’s chocolate ganache. But it’s more than I’ve ever had in one sitting. And then it’s cappuccino cheesecake with three, let me repeat, three bricks of cream cheese in it. And rum. and molasses. and man I wish I hadn’t eaten the last piece already. But it’s not even over yet. Because on top of that, it’s a heavenly sour cream layer, and  then it’s covered with even more ganache. I swoon just thinking about it. Continue reading